Recruitment Information

If you're interested in going through Fall 2024 recruitment, the following links will provide you with dates, information about the process and how to sign up.

Recruitment Terminology 

Alumnae/Alumna: an initiated member of a sorority who has graduated from college

Bid: a formal invitation to join a sorority

Chapter: a collegiate branch of a national or international sorority; the local organization

Event: a scheduled function during the recruitment process where potential members visit with sorority members

Formal Recruitment: a process of membership selection a women goes through to join a sorority.

Greek: a term applied to members of fraternities and sororities.

Initiation: the traditional ceremony that brings the new member into full membership

Invitation: a written request from a sorority to return to the next round of events

Legacy: a potential member whose mother, sister, or grandmother is an alumnus or active member of that particular national or international sorority

National Panhellenic Conference: a collective body of twenty-six national and international fraternal organizations

New Member: a member who has recently joined a sorority and has not yet been initiated into full membership.

Panhellenic Association: a representative governing body of all National Panhellenic Conference member sororities on a campus

Philanthropy: a nonprofit, charitable organization to which fraternities and sororities contribute their time and money

Potential New Member (PNM): an undergraduate woman who is participating in the sorority recruitment process

Quota: the specified number of new members that a sorority can accept

Recruitment Counselor (Pi Chi): an active sorority woman who disaffiliates from her sorority to assist potential members with the recruitment process

Sorority Membership: Women who felt a need to enrich their college experience established Sororities over a century ago, and therefore, sororities provide you with daily opportunities for developing successful life skills. Intellectual, interpersonal, leadership, spiritual and athletic development opportunities are available for your benefit.


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